Is It Legal To Discriminate against Dumbasses?

The dreaded goose egg did not materialize, thank goodness. So while I still showed up for my interviews with my normal fivehead, I did not look (too) deformed. So much for Laurie’s plan to pull the fear-of-seeming-discriminating card.

No, in my case, the only discriminating the firms will be doing is against dumbasses. Oh yes. Over my last eight interviews, I have managed to:

  • Fall into two subtle traps laid for me (this I am not so worried about because who wants to work with people who are constantly trying to trick you?!)
  • ALMOST fall over, AND only avoid falling over (slippery floors + no-traction heels + arms full of firm chotchkes + heavy conference door = DISASTER) by using the interviewer’s outstretched hand for balance, meaning that I held it WAY TOO LONG and he withdrew it so forcefully I know he thinks I WANT HIS BODY or better yet, I AM CRAZY.
  • Sound arrogant
  • Contract a bad case of verbal diarrhea (twice)
  • Um, kind of forget the name of the firm I was talking to and have to check my handy-dandy website printout

But, lucky me, only FIVE MORE TO GO! Ugh. If I can just make it through without dying of shame I will be happy.

In other news, I have totally given up running. But I have come to terms with my destiny as a lazy bum and am OK with it.

Really, it’s who I am. Last May, my high school girlfriends and I went to Vegas.

And we’re all sitting around in the hotel room, getting ready to go out for the evening, and this love-fest of body talk ensues in which each girl’s body is matched to a type of athlete — one girl has a runner’s body, another a softball player, a dancer, a volleyball player. “What about me?” I ask, indignant.


Sigh. So you see I was meant to be a sloth.

And, apparently, a dumbass.

7 Responses to “Is It Legal To Discriminate against Dumbasses?”

  1. Penny Says:

    you were not raised by dumbasses, therefore you are not a dumbass.

    also, the slipping thing might not be so bad. if he was impressed w/ you before, you will for surely stick in his mind.

    good luck w/ the rest of your interviews though. i am sure you will do juuuuust fine! luv ya, sista!

  2. carolyn Says:

    as long as you are the BEST dumbass and sloth that you know, you’re still achieving something. 🙂 not that i in any way believe you are either. i can certainly give you a run for your money in the sloth department. not exercise sloth – real life sloth. 🙂

  3. DDJ Says:

    Running’s bad for you anyways. Rough on the knees. It’s better to do low-impact exercises like getting up from the couch, and lifting the half-gallon of ice cream out of the freezer. But seriously…

    I wouldn’t worry at all about the interview process. How I perceived my OCI performance had absolutely no correlation with the callbacks that I received. What I thought was my best interview got me the fastest rejection letter. (Postmarked the day of the interview.)

  4. ~drew emborsky~ Says:

    Good thing you weren’t interviewing with Dumas & Dumas…

  5. laurie Says:

    That is the cutest picture EVER!!

    (I was really hoping the disabled/deformed card word work in your favor. Hey … we do what we can to get ahead. This is the law after all! Fair! Balanced! Billable hours! LOL)

    Seriously, that picture is adorable!

  6. Gloria Says:

    Don’t law firms want arrogance? They might not even think that you’re arrogant, but that you’re being normal, what with all the hothead lawyers that’re out there and stuff.

    But you’re over halfway done with interviews! And you are going to have a great sparkly job this summer with LOTS OF FUN ACTIVITIES. And then I will never see you again because you will be sucked up into the legal world.

    But until then! There is nothing wrong with being a sloth. There is too much running about nowadays. Nobody just relaxes anymore.

    (Was the interviewer whose hand you grasped too long cute and single? Because, you never know..)

  7. Dagny Says:

    The only one of those “athletic” types that I would ever want to be compared to is a dancer because dancing can be fun. All other forms of exercise are torturous.

    Also, don’t worry about the interviews. You will of course have a fab law job next summer.

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