Finally, The Holiday Spirit Awakens

It took five days, four days of listening to Christmas music, three days of cleaning my apartment, two trips to Target, one John Waters Christmas Special with Gloria, AND a phone call from a long-lost best friend from junior high, and finally the holiday spirit has taken root.

New shoes:

Fred helps make the bed:

Also, I managed to complete 24 out of my 51 New Year’s resolutions from last year, which, for me, is not half bad!

8 Responses to “Finally, The Holiday Spirit Awakens”

  1. Sammy Says:

    Only in LA can you where shoes like that in winter… and here I am stuck in furry boots!

  2. wenders Says:

    Holy Moley! You go with the resolutions! And I love the new shoes!

  3. Gloria Says:

    Those shoes were sooo cute. I don’t make resolutions because I don’t ever keep them, which is a sad testament to my willpower and stuff like that.

  4. Dagny Says:

    I am with Gloria on the resolutions. If I decide that I really want to change something in my life, I tend to do it midyear. Too much pressure to say things at the beginning of the year. Congrats on the cleaning. Fred looks extra helpful.

  5. la.dauphine Says:

    You had 51 New Year’s Resolutions??? I can’t even keep 5. Way to go!!

  6. ddj Says:

    It’s so nice to be able to enjoy the holiday season without things like job searching or exams to ruin it. Congrats on being done! Sammy, very true about the shoes…it is 1 degree F here right now, and that is quite cold. Those shoes would be forbidden.

  7. Dagny Says:

    Fashion comes first. I have been known to wear sandals in 30 degree weather because they were the right shoes for the outfit. Besides it was heated indoors.

  8. carolyn Says:

    i’m so excited you fulfilled your goal of getting an A 🙂

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