As in Too Much Fun. And now I am Tired.

But to sum up:

First week back to school was so disorienting that on Thursday I forgot to wear deodorant, missed an important meeting, and discovered at a four-way stop when a silver projectile flew off my car that I had left my cell phone on my car roof.

I also attended my first bar review as a 2L and managed to:

On Friday, Laurie and I tipsy-dialed France! Three times! To confirm our hotel reservations in March. There was A LOT of giggling involved. We’ve decided Marc, l’homme qui answered the phone, can’t be anything but a devastatingly handsome and slightly smelly man.

On Saturday, it was fellow Capricorn Shannon’s birthday party!

The birthday girl:

Penny, Karman, and me:

Faith and Jane, crafting away:

Karman, Maryann, and Eric, who told the second-best Poop story of the evening:

Amber (who told the first best Poop story of the evening, which really rivaled the best I had ever heard before, an unnamed co-conspirator, and hostess Laurie.

David and Alex. Alex is German!

And at some point, the night devolved into a 7-11 run. In which my three passengers made baby feet on my car window, since my defogger wasn’t working from the time I spilled coffee into the dash on my way up to Redding.

Here is our 7-11 clerk! He LOVED getting his pic taken! LOVED it!

And later the night devolved yet further. Where suddenly everyone NEEDED to be measured. And there was a lot of fighting over my technique as Designated Measurer, but I think you’ll agree that my knitting needle case and pink gel pen technique looks very precise, n’est-ce que pas? Also, I am wearing Laurie’s barn jacket, returned to chic by John Kerry in 2004.

Thank goodness I have tomorrow off from school to recover.

8 Responses to “TMF”

  1. Dagny Says:

    Sounds like a fun weekend. Oh, and I usually carry a spare deoderant in the glove compartment just in case I realize that in my rush I have forgotten to put some on.

  2. Gloria Says:

    Hehehehe. You forgot that Amber kept giggling “children of the corn” as we made the baby footprints. And that we then proceeded to “babyfeet” everyone else’s car as well as they were leaving the party. And Laurie already put up a post identifying me, so I’ve given up on that whole anonymity thing (well, aside from the internet pseudonym). Why do I tilt my head like that in half of my pictures? It’s like I have a weak neck or something.

    And maybe that guy I was talking to at bar review is indeed single and interested. (And at least I know his real name now, not the one I made up in my head, not that it helps me in googlestalking, not that I googlestalk in the first place.) Because I mean, why not date another law student? I have such a good track record already. Gosh, I’m going to start having lunch at the business school and break this damn cycle already.

  3. jen Says:

    I usually carry a spare in my car but in the last cleaning lost it.

    Gloria, I forgot all about children of the corn! And really I just meant failed to marry you off that evening. I guess that may be too aggressive a goal, however.

  4. Penny Says:

    look at how tall i am in the picture! i am giant! i would have won the height contest!

  5. Susan Says:

    OK, that’s it. I have to find me a group of fun girlfriends with whom I can trade poop stories. It looks like a ton of fun. 🙂

  6. Dagny Says:

    Gloria, tilt away. You look cute in the photo.

  7. dan Says:

    Wow. What an excellent Poo story you linked UndiesHead. Thanks!!!

    Sounds like a fun night with fun people! Except that unnamed co-conspirator. She’s no fun at all.
    (opinion expected to change upon donna hay transaction). 🙂

  8. Gloria Says:

    Donna Hay! Wait, you need to email me with the specifics..

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