The Stork Arrives

No, I am not pregnant. Though reproduction in general yet horrific terms will be referenced in this post.

Nay, I have just watched The Bachelor. And you know, I promised myself I wouldn’t watch it after that awful season with Aaron, but it’s in Paris this time, and I really didn’t want to do my CrimPro reading, and all of a sudden I was watching Dr. Stork, decidedly NOT aptly named, charm some buxom, tanned ladies.

My favorite quotes:

“Quite frankly, my eggs are rotting.”

“Twelve women still have the chance to be a doctor’s wife.”

The first is my favorite because I’ve been told the same recently, but you know, I AM SANE ENOUGH not to take it to heart.

The second is my favorite because (love you, Dad!) I know what it’s like to be a doctor’s daughter. And really, all it means is you never see them. And if you’re his wife, you diaper me all on your own, and yes, you have a nice house once he’s graduated from residency, but every time you go to the movies he’s wearing his beeper, which GOES OFF during the climax because this is before anyone had a beeper except for doctors and no one thought anything except, “Gosh, I hope MY loved ones are safe.”

So anyway, oops! a little personal diversion there, and to be fair, my dad was there for every IMPORTANT moment in my life.

But onto my other favorite part of The Bachelor, which was the biggest turn-ons of the hopefuls:

  • Hard nipples!?
  • Baby oil
  • Hair being pulled

And truly, I might be up for a little of all three sometimes (well, not the baby oil only because DUDE, did you not take 9th grade health class? Corrosion danger, Will Robinson, corrosion danger!) but LADIES! You are on NATIONAL TELEVISION! How about some, “someone who listens,” or “a gentle soul,” or “George Clooney.”


It’s embarrassing.

But will I be watching next week?

Of course.

4 Responses to “The Stork Arrives”

  1. Dagny Says:

    I was also sucked in by The Bachelor last night. It’s like seeing the proverbial car wreck — you just can’t turn away. During the whole show I kept thinking, “Who are these women who would say and do these things on national TV?”

  2. Gloria Says:

    HEEE. The batshit crazy doctor was the BEST. Too bad she’s no longer on the show. Maybe she will get her own Bachelorette show. But I didn’t watch last night, since I was watching the Golden Globes, where people were DRUNK and it was funny.

    I agree re: being married to a doctor, since both my parents are doctors also. While they were indeed there for impt parts of my life, argh, I would not want to be married to that. Then again, some friends have posited that perhaps you do want a guy that makes a lot of money but you don’t see too often. This is definitely worth thinking about.

  3. nessacery Says:

    I got sucked in last night as well, and I have to admit that the teaser commercials about the meltdown are what sucked me in.

  4. Neil Says:

    I understand that this guy is a a good-looking doctor, but why are they all so head-over-heels over him in five minutes? Something seems so phony about the whole thing. Why isn’t there ever a woman who just shrugs and says, “He’s alright. Let’s see how it goes.” Frankly, that’s the woman I would pick.

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