
My brother Jeff‘s affianced*, Jen, an XXX-treme Law & Order fan (she has a dance, oh yes, she has a dance to the theme) has been telling me for quite a while now that I need to start using legal parlance in daily conversation.

In fact, she tried to tell me I should be using, “sustained” and “denied” regularly, and the only remotely acceptable use I could come up with is:

Currently My Friend, No Longer To Be My Friend Once I Start Introduing Legal Parlance Into Everyday Conversation: “What do you think, Mexican?”

Me: “Motion denied!”


Me: “Denied — you’re on a short leash, counsel.”


Me: “Sustained!”

I usually brush off Jen’s comments, like, DUDE, I am so NOT an arbiter of justice. But this weekend I helped write a brief to the 9th Circuit (appellate court, baby! One away from getting in Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s pants! How you like them apples?).

And I am so high on appellate life that all of a sudden I am picturing myself in robes, and not just the kind I like to slip out of before a bath.

Nope, I am talking REAL JUSTICE here.

*I keep using affianced instead of fiancé because I am too damn lazy to look up the HTML for small e, accent ague, or accent acute en anglais.

7 Responses to “Sustained!”

  1. carolyn Says:

    i see an accent in your * so i think you must’ve found it

    but you can scroll down this page:

    and eventually find all the ones you might need pour ecrire en francais tout le temps.

  2. Dagny Says:

    I think a much better use of “Motion denied,” is when some skeevy guy starts talking to you in a bar. Or could that lead to sanctions?

  3. Anita Says:

    You made me laugh out loud with that Ruth Bader Ginsburg comment. Gotta love SCOTUS humor.

  4. dan Says:

    I like it. Sustained!

    I am tempted to use it here. Although, I might need to learn myself a little binary and talk machine code for my workmates 😥

  5. Gloria Says:

    No. Do not succumb. If you do it, I will think it is funny at first (as this post was funny), but that will quickly devolve into my making fun of you ALL THE TIME.

    Although, if it keeps the crazies in the bar away…

  6. dan Says:

    what would be new? 😉

  7. Jeff Says:

    “I keep using affianced instead of fiancé because I am too damn lazy to look up the HTML for small e, accent ague, or accent acute en anglais.”

    I knew it!

    Lazy bastard. It’s ‘& eacute;’ without that space in the middle.

    W3c is your friend.

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