
Today was an odd day.

I woke up late because my alarm hates me, dreaming that my dad was undergoing another heart surgery and I couldn’t get ahold of anyone to tell me what happened.

Then, I picked up Neeta and headed to class. Walking out of the parking structure, we watched a woman just… fall over. Didn’t trip, didn’t make a noise, just folded in a heap to the ground.

We ran over and I shook her (“Ma’am, ma’am, can you hear me?” Just like I’ve seen on ER) to see if she would wake up, but she just wouldn’t. I called 911 and people started to gather. People who, by all rights, should get a swift kick in the pants. People who tried to put her Coach hobo beneath her head (uh, blocking the airways much?). People who wanted to give her water. And really, I understand because when someone asked if she had had any water, I went for my water bottle and Neeta went for her Vitamin Water like, WHAT WERE WE THINKING THIS WOMAN NEEDS WATER! until we realized WE HAD NO IDEA what was wrong with this woman and what could water do but possibly KILL HER?

Anyway, the LAPD and LAFD came and we gave our names and numbers and left her, still lying there. But it was very (JARRING and) unsatisfying. What happened to this woman?

But then I saw her! Walking on Sunset on my way home, giggling on her cell phone outside the Hornburg dealership! Same shirt, same pants, same pumps with the crack in the heel, same henna tattoos and gold bangles on her arms.

So she is OK, I guess? Although how was she, just a quick four hours later (we all know what ERs are like), walking around making calls on her cell? Was she just pregnant and had a hormone flux? Was this some kind of scam? Did I need to check my wallet (I did, nothing missing)? Was she a drug mule and managed to convince the LAFD she was fine?

A mystery.

And then I came home, and watched Manhattan Murder Mystery. I THOUGHT because I had put it on because it was on my list of 4 movies I’ll watch over and over and figured it was about time.

But then I realized, watching Carol spot the believed-dead Mrs. House on the crosstown bus that really, I was still digesting the day’s events and looking for ANSWERS. And you know, Carol may just have been a bored housefrau needing some romance in her life, and I may just be a bored law school student in equal need of romance. But! Carol was right — there was mystery there.

Unfortunately, my life isn’t a movie. I couldn’t swing around the block on Sunset and ask this woman what was up because she would think I WAS CRAZY.

So I’ll never know.

Which might be more fun, actually. I can cook up scenarios to my heart’s content.

Better than the alternative.

7 Responses to “Mystery!”

  1. Gloria Says:

    You know that the sun hasn’t yet risen at 6am? Why is the sun so lazy, and why am I up before it?

    So weird about the lady. But it would have been funny if you stopped her and asked if she was okay. Maybe she’s an actor, and was seeing if she could do a convincing faint.

  2. Dagny Says:

    Very strange. I would have been tempted to stop and ask.

  3. carolyn Says:

    suuuuper spoooky dude. (that is a great fucking movie.) i wonder if she’s now stalking your for “saving” her life.

  4. Penny Says:

    that’s insane that you saw her again later! you will be able to tell this story for years!

  5. Renee Says:

    I had a teacher who just fell over one day in class. Turned out she had hypoglycemia. The teacher next door knew this and poured a packet of sugar into her mouth. Voila. She was fine. Jumped right back up and taught the rest of the day.

    It could have been that.

  6. dan Says:


    You good samaritan. A much more interesting day than mine.

  7. wenders Says:

    Weird. I had that happen in a bar once – girl next to me went into a seizure. Scary stuff.
    LOVE the illustrations.

    AND, thanks for the CD (I know, a day late, dollar short and all of that). I love it, love the cover, love love love it!

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