The Accidental Inquisitor

So, per Dan‘s request, lemme tell you what an atrocious monster law school has rendered me.

One thing you have to read a lot of in law school is court cases. Many, many, often interminable and impenetrable court cases. And your job is to outlast and to penetrate.

You have to poke holes in the court’s reasoning. Explore alternate theories. Extend the logic the opinion is resting on to its absolute, and usually ridiculous, limit. And more important, seize upon details in the facts of the case that, if altered, might make it come out differently in some cock-eyed hypothetical your professor might put on an exam. Like, if he had been deeply religious, but NOT a mental patient, would the court have come out the same way?

This is your job.



All of a sudden you’re The Inquisitor.

Laurie may be telling me a long, involved (She is Southern. She can’t help it. Love you, Laurie! You are my memory.) story of why her day was lame. And one, small, miniscule part of that story might be that there was some idiot on the bus who smelled.

But suddenly! I NEED MORE DETAILS. Where was he sitting? Did YOU wear your deoderant that day? Was it raining? Were you wearing wool? How many seats away was he? Did the bus driver smile at you when you got on? What time did you get on the bus? What was he wearing? Did other people smell it? Really? Did they LOOK like they might have smelled it? Were they on the phone? Was the traffic bad? What day of the week was it?

And so on.



Because this is… NORMAL BEHAVIOR???

And then I get a knot in my stomach and realize, my life? Will never be the same.

Because I am The Inquisitor. I will never be able to hear a simple story from my friend about how a man on the bus smelled without wondering: But did he really smell? And even if he did, would one small change in circumstances mean she never would have noticed?

And this, let me tell you, is not the kind of friend you want to be.

And p.s.? It gets worse. Because, when I say that I wonder about a small change in circumstances dictating the outcome, I realize I am The Sliding Doors Inquistor. And we all know how I feel about fucking Gwyneth.

So if one day I name my child Pear or Cantaloupe, adopt a faux British accent and break up my shaggy husband’s band?


9 Responses to “The Accidental Inquisitor”

  1. Gloria Says:

    Aww, I don’t know if that makes you a horrible inquisitor. I mean, I’m forever interrupting people mid-story, and I realise that I only do this if they bring up one of two topics that’s guaranteed to hold my interest: shopping or food. Woe be unto you if you mention food in a story without specifying where you ate, what you ate, what it looked like, what it smelled like, whether it was good or not, what everyone else you were with got, whether you liked the restaurant in general, how the service was, etc.

    Ironically, we’re supposed to ask lots of thought-probing questions in school (much like you legal eagles), but I don’t. Because we don’t talk about food or shopping.

    Gosh. Maybe I should leave school altogether and focus entirely on leisure activities. I’m much better at it.

  2. Dagny Says:

    I am not much a fan of Gwyneth but I love “Sliding Doors.”

    Has anyone ever complained about your inquisitions? If not, continue on. If they have, was it anyone whose opinion matters to you? If not, once more, continue on.

  3. laurie Says:

    Jen, j’adore. See! I am speaking french!!

    Dagny, it’s hard to complain when one is being spontaneously assaulted with questions 😉 I’ve started making up answers, though. It’s awesome.

    p.s. Artists? Are maybe not such question-askers. We’re more the “Let’s get drunk and talk about furniture…” types. Or “Let’s get drunk and I will tell you a long drawn-out story of the time I got drunk and talked about Eames chairs.” So, you know. We have our own crosses to bear.

  4. Penny Says:

    gwyneth is the fucking yoko ono of coldplay! i said it as soon as those two started dating that she would be!

  5. dan Says:

    Thankyou!! 🙂

    I must admit, I don’t miss law school much. The IT sector suits me better, I get to fix problems in real time!! I love analysing and solving problems!
    I have to admit, your posting of queries surrounding the smelly man impressed me. But, I like women who can think and analyse (which, contrary to popular belief, is not ALL women (and fucking certainly is not all men!)).. it’s one of my “things”… alongside a good accent.

    Love the inquisition image you used at the top of the page. Reminds me of my childhood school years.

  6. laurie Says:

    Jen, I believe Dad has the hots for you and your sexy inquisitiveness!!

    Penny: You could not be more right in your Yoko theory. Stupid Gwyneth. I do love Sliding Doors, though, what a great movie.

    Also: How did a simple story about become a 20-minute diatribe last night? I’m sorry. I do make everything into a long story that includes what I wore and how I was feeling at the time. SOUTHERN CRAZY.

  7. Dagny Says:

    Laurie, I love that you make up answers. Makes life all that more interesting.

  8. laurie Says:

    Hi Dagny! Sometimes she catches me on it when I’m making shiite up, that’s always funny heh heh. Also: next time you come down here we should meet. I need your mojo to rub off on me 😉

  9. Anne Says:

    My Mom just has a natural gift for it–maybe SHE should go to law school! (Then maybe she’d stop telling me I should.)

    Sample conversation: What did you do today? (Went to work, had lunch with X, stopped for groceries, watched TV.) Really? What were you working on? (A project.) What kind of project? With whom? When does it finish up? Then what will you do? Where did you go for lunch? What did you have?

    You get the picture.

    Also, you’re an excellent kitty caregiver.

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