Somebody’s Friday Night Is Starting a Little Early

The overwhelming smell in my apartment hallway leads me to wonder whether:

  • Someone is staging a massive sage-burning exorcism of their ex-boyfriend’s spirit OR
  • Someone just unwittingly ruined their rosemary potatoes au gratin OR
  • If I stand out there any longer trying to discern the smell’s origin, I won’t be able to study tonight because I’ll be too busy watching Dazed and Confused and eating Cheetos.

4 Responses to “Somebody’s Friday Night Is Starting a Little Early”

  1. Dagny Says:

    LOL. Obviously you need to avoid the hallway. Although Cheetos sound good about now. Then again I had a very long Thursday evening.

  2. carolyn Says:

    tooooooo funny. (but i’m with dagny “mmmmm, cheerios!” i eat the multigrain ones almost every day!)

  3. Gloria Says:

    Yum! Cheetos! There’s nothing wrong with eating those!

  4. SpaceCase Says:

    I had some neighbors like that, and they were the nicest, mellowist neighbors, like, ever. The best was when they would get all paranoid and start spraying air freshener into the hallway. Ah, memories.

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