I TRIPLE-Dog Dare You

I learned today that one of my classmates, one I don’t know, totally hacked off his second toe for a dare of $5000.

AND, he didn’t get it reattached!

AND, he sometimes wears sandals!

That totally beats the time in 12th grade I bit into a formaldehyde-soaked crayfish in bio on a $1 dare from Trent Fallin (too cute to resist).

I really wish I knew this guy so I could get some more details. I couldn’t even listen to the explanation of how he did it; the storyteller was making gardening sheer type motions with his hands and I was lalalalalala, eyes closed. Now I am regretting this girly behavior because I NEED to know:

1. Why didn’t he get it reattached? Was it part of the dare to lose it forever?

2. What instrumentality did he use to get that thing off?

3. What on earth do potential girlfriends think when he tells them HE CUT OFF HIS OWN TOE?

16 Responses to “I TRIPLE-Dog Dare You”

  1. Gwen Says:

    Whoa. That seems like a very small sum for CUTTING OFF YOUR TOE. I’m just saying.

  2. wenders Says:

    Did he actually get the money? And WHO DARED HIM and was willing to pay? Did they WANT the toe? This all seems tres weird.

  3. Crystal Says:

    Well now I want to know. You need to befriend this person just to find out.

    You can not tease a southerner with only part of the story!

  4. Dagny Says:

    That is just way too weird. I agree with Gwen too — not enough money.

  5. carolyn Says:


  6. l Says:

    Hunh. Suddenly my heels feel a lot more comfortable…oh, right. That’s ’cause I have both my big toes and I can FEEL my shoes.

  7. Urs Says:

    I can’t help feeling your readers are missing the big picture here: you bit into a formaldehyde-soaked crayfish to impress a cute boy? Ahhh, Jen. That’s what I love about you. So, did Trent give you a big smooch afterwards?

    I knew a guy that did not have his finger reattached after a skiing accident because it was too expensive. I’m guessing that if you’re willing to cut it off for $5K, you’re not likely going to part with half of that to have it reattached.

  8. Jenna Says:

    A certain Quentin Tarantino movie comes to mind.

  9. laurie Says:

    EEEEEEEWWWWW. I’m with Gwen. Ya’ll would have to pay me a buttload more than five grand to cut off anything from my body. On the other hand, if it were to remove the fat on my body (like with lipo or something) that I would do. For free.

    Also! Just think!! If that toe ends up in a bowl of Wendy’s Chili, he’ll at least be qualified to serve as his own counsel.

  10. Gloria Says:

    I agree with Urs. I want to hear more about the crawfish. Although, $1 is not nearly enough money for that.

  11. Faith Says:

    I’m totally in with Urs – what on god’s green earth could have possessed you (and don’t tell me cute boy because that just doesn’t cut it.) to bite on a crayfish soaked in formaldehyde.


  12. Candice Says:

    I want to know what he bought with his toe-money… I mean, if he needed the money so his mom could have an operation or something, that’s one thing. But if he just went out and bought crack with it… wait… I guess that explains the whole cutting off your toe for five grand, huh.

  13. Hurricane Chase Says:

    There’s a poker player, a famous guy named Brian Zembic, who had breast implants (big ones) put in him and wore them for a year to win a $100k bet … there’s a book about it, “The Man With The $100,000 Breasts” …

    here’s a link to an article ..


    You prolly have to cut and paste it…

    people do weird things for money.

  14. Neil Says:

    I knew I got lowballed when I just took fifty bucks and a slice of pizza for the same thing!

  15. jen Says:

    I am sorry to report I have no further details on this story. Next Bar Review, if I am drunk enough and the toe-cutter is there, I will ask.

    Faith, Gloria & Urs–
    I didn’t KNOW the formaldehyde would totally go dribbling down my chin and I would have to run to the bathroom to clean up and stem the dry-heaving. I think I just thought I’d do a little chomp, get my $1 and go down as a wild child in the eyes of TF. There might be better ways to catch a man, but damn if I knew them in high school.

  16. carolyn Says:

    no further details? that is not the good detective work i know you are capable of… but i will let you off the hook until finals are over.

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