Realization of a Dream, Maybe Two, Maybe Even Three

Finally I finished the photo gallery for Jeffie’s wedding.

Two, I got the Comcast version of TiVo. AND I hooked it up by myself, no boyfriend required. This is a major accomplishment for me.

Three, tomorrow is TFGIF. I added a new letter to that acronym, which suits how I feel. Being a pseudo-lawyer is hard. I haven’t had one day yet where I didn’t have a stress headache by 3 pm. I now understand Gloria‘s tale of her friend who didn’t drink, but after his first summer at a firm, started drinking vodka doubles, straight up.

12 Responses to “Realization of a Dream, Maybe Two, Maybe Even Three”

  1. carolyn Says:

    it’s my kinda F, n’est-ce pas? 🙂

  2. laurie Says:

    Oh, it looks like so much fun! And you look gorgeous, and your mom looks so happy, and Penny… the cutest. Of course 🙂 You can tell a good time was had by all.

  3. laurie Says:

    Also, I will help you re: drinking. heh heh

  4. Dagny Says:

    Gotta love the Comcast DVR. You should have had it when “Top Chef” was on. Then you could watch Harold over and over.

    Love the wedding pix. And your brother has a honeymoon blog? lol

    Hope the summer gets better. Of course I keep seeing the suffering fools here in the BAR/BRI course. The other day they were babbling about property law.

  5. Gloria Says:

    Great pictures!

    And actually re: the drinking. The friend did drink before. But then he moved from gin-and-tonics to JUST STRAIGHT GIN BY THE MUGFUL. Sometimes straight out of the bottle. He emptied so many handles of gin that summer.

  6. Penny Says:

    seeing those pictures made me remember how awesome that wedding was. too much fun! i put my pictures up on my photo album so i’ll send you the link. also, i’m very proud of you for installing tivo and beware because you will watch more tv than ever!

    p.s. tivo the office!!! you will fall for jim with one look!

  7. neeta Says:

    I love the pictures, Jen! Your parents look so cute dancing; I think I would faint with amazement if I ever saw my mom do a jig like that. You are probably the only human on earth who can create photo galleries, set up some sort of advanced cable system, and always have time for a certain friend who is prone to being in crisis mode while STILL being the super duper legal beagle that you are.

  8. Chris Says:

    Awesome pictures. And? How awesome is TiVo? 🙂

  9. Urs Says:

    Great pictures, Jen. Jeff IS the cutest ever. EVER. No offense to Penny, your mom, or you–who all give him a run for his money.

    You may have missed top chef with tivo, but get ready for the new season of Project Runway. Woo hoo!

    PS Please don’t resort to drink to get through your job. Hot showers are good (and baths–you love baths!) And vegetables.

  10. dan Says:

    Love the pics and the accomp. commentary.

    Are you using Moveable Type to publish that gallery?

  11. jen Says:

    Carolyn, it is so your kind of F, my sailor-mouthed lady.

    Laurie, you have helped me already. But not too much, Ursula! Don’t you worry!

    Dagny, I refuse to think about the bar until next year. By my count, I have at 89% chance of passing at UCLA.

    Gloria, straight gin by the mugful sounds like too much even for me.

    Penny, I have a season pass to The Office already on your recommendation!

    Neeta, I only didn’t pass out seeing my mother dance because I was too busy taking a picture. The emotional distance of the camera saved me.

    Chris, you are so right, TiVo (my generic version) is the best ever. I have been rewinding and fastforwarding LIVE TV like a maniac.

    Urs, is Project Runway starting that soon? NO WAY! Yay!

    Dan, I published that all by myself. OK, with a little help from a template by Laure. If you want me to send you one, let me know!

  12. dan Says:

    Cool. i emailed you.

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