Lady of Leisure

I have designed my schedule this semester (I LOVE BEING A 3L) so that I have

a) no class that starts before 1:40
b) Wednesday and Friday off
c) only two finals

Suddenly I have an entire day to myself tomorrow. And enough leisure time to start thinking about things beyond my to-do lists. Like:

  • Why, if they can invent stretchy jeans, can they not create a pair that doesn’t give you saggy butt by the end of the day? Seriously. I would pay good money for that.
  • Paris Hilton’s album debuted today. Not only do I have to see her butt cheeks on once a week, but apparently she’ll be polluting my airwaves as well. THERE is a woman with too much time and too few panties on her hands.
  • Jam. The Office. I know I’m a dork, but this preview gave me CHILLS. Thank you, Penny, for making me watch that show!
  • What color should I get my nails done tomorrow? DURING THE DAY. Because I am a Lady of Leisure now. That’s my job. Lady of Leisure. La-la-la-Lady of Leeeesure. Lady Leisuremeister. Anyway, what color? I realized the other day I’ve been painting my fingernails in the same Ballet Slippers/Sandy Beach family and my toes in the darkest burgundy-red available since like 2002. What should I try?

Aren’t you glad I’ve been spending all my free time on valuable, world-altering thoughts? I’m sure I’ll have the cure for cancer or maybe just some cute new shoes by next week.

11 Responses to “Lady of Leisure”

  1. carolyn Says:

    i’m a big fan of switching it up and going with brownish tones on the fingernails. raisinuts? or something browner, but i can’t remember the names of any of the brown ones. 🙂

    dude you could totally rewatch every episode of grey’s anatomy (or lost, or whatever show you like) to be totally caught up and current right when the new seasons begin! go! 😉

  2. Dagny Says:

    Don’t be silly. Those are indeed very important things to ponder. Heck. I think about that kind of stuff while I am working. I’m not sure about the nail polish color though. I only do my toes — either fuschia, cranberry, lavender, or a dark purple. And Carolyn is right about rewatching a fave show.

  3. megan Says:

    I only warn you against shimmery colors on your hands- they can make your skin look jaundiced and diseased by comparison. maybe try to reverse it? burgundy nails and ballet slipper toes?

    I got the CD today, too! Thanks, love it!!

  4. Ai Says:

    I cannot WAIT for The Office again! I SO love Pam and Jim! I do the shimmery colors on my toes like pink and light corals. Goes well with my summertime tan. I don’t do my fingernails anymore. I’d love to, but too much trouble!

  5. Gwen Says:

    I totally just teared up at my desk. That preview is AWESOME!!! Wow. You and Penny totally need to come over for the season premiere!

    Also, whatever you do, I highly recommend buying a bottle of OPI and bringing it to Happy Nails yourself. I did that last time and my pedicure lasted for weeks.

  6. Gwen Says:

    I just watched it again. I can’t help myself! I love Pam and Jim.

  7. Hillary Says:

    I don’t have the patience to have my hands done but for my toes my new favorite is “Chocolate Mousse” from OPI

  8. daniel Says:

    The link wouldn’t work for me. Is that the office staring brick from anchorman?

    If so, then I’m going to say it’s pure poop in comparison to the original “The Office” produced by the BBC, starring Ricky Gervais. linky – true, dry british humour is hard to beat.

  9. daniel Says:

    PS. I still can’t work out why you’d take a show that is completely popular internationally, and totally rip it off? The office has aired over here for years…. When the american version started, I think it lasted about 2 weeks on air before it was axed due to lack of ratings.

    It befuddles me.

    PPS. the PS. is actually part of the comment above – i’m just challenged in several ways and hit post before I meant to. hehe

    PPPS. It is probably fair to say that I didn’t give the US version of the office a fair chance. I only watched half an episode of it… but I guess I don’t really get some american humour. Obviously, the hollywood comedies etc are piss funny… but shows like letterman? I just don’t get your day-to-day humour I guess…. but those top ten are about as funny as a kick in the shins.

  10. Penny Says:

    *sigh* JIM…he’s so damn cute i just…i don’t know, but i LOVE him

    p.s. GWEN WE ARE SO ON FOR THE OFFICE PREMIERE!!!!! I’m warning you now though, I will be screaming a minute before it starts in pure excitement!

  11. jen Says:

    Yeah, Gwen, Penny and I are so on for the office premiere. I have marked my calendar.

    Carolyn and Dagny– I am already caught up on Grey’s, and Lost I think I will watch on DVD because while I love it, somehow it’s too ET-like for me to watch anymore week-to-week.

    Megan and Ai, I don’t have a summertime tan and I can’t do pinks and corals because I’m a winter (yes, I know my season), and I didn’t even get my mani-pedi today, but I’m going to try something fun tomorrow!

    Daniel, I watched the British version and loved it. Ricky Gervais ROCKS. So much so that I refused to watch the U.S. one until Penny made me. But I LOVE the U.S. version; it’s more familiar in its humor and I just love Pam and Jim.

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