Archive for September, 2006

It’s Together, through TV, that We Prevail!

September 25, 2006

Oh, premiere of The Office. So good and YET, I KNOW NOTHING! NOTHING! of what happened with Jim and Pam. OK, I know something but in case you, like me, have recently experienced the joy a DVR brings, I won’t share.

I watched the first episode with Gwen, her affianced Afsheen and lovely Penny. And how cool are Gwen and Afsheen? THIS IS HOW COOL:

Tonight? Fred and I are drinking a glass of wine from a Dunder-Mifflin mug. Much like I suspect Meredith does everyday in The Office. Only hers is vodka. And probably the cheap stuff.

Watching new TV shows makes me feel like part of the world. Which I know is cheesy, but I like to feel connected to the Important Issues of The Day. Which certainly I couldn’t get by reading the 6 issues of The Economist staring balefully at me in a pile on my side table, could I? No, I get it from TeeVee.

p.s. I watched an Idi Amin documentary this weekend, so stop thinking I suck.

This connection I need to feel is why, even when I OWN a movie, I’ll sometimes watch it, with commercials, on TV. Then I know other people are watching it in the world, communing with me in my laughter and sobs. Ridiculous. Yet typical!

I don’t feel as bad about this impulse recently because I’ve been thinking about solidarity a lot. The kind of solidarity required to support welfare programs and to give immigrants the political rights necessary to fully participate in the American Community. If there is one.

Anyway, I won’t say anything more about that except that apparently my misguided way of finding solidarity right now is to read the NY Times every day and to watch the new fall season. And that when you first start seeing someone, your friends remind you (in a loving way) how important it is to maintain your connections with the world, and with them. Losing touch is bad.

So I am solidarity with you, friends, comrades!

I say, men…and women…of the world, unite! We must never acquiesce! For it is together, together that we prevail! We must never cede control of the motherland, for it is together that we prevail!!


September 21, 2006

Smoky view from my apartment. Laurie writes about the fiery skies here.

One thing I struggle to remember is that even very good things, if they’re new things, are stressful. You have to adjust to the wonderfulness.

So I’ve been adjusting. Some things are going more smoothly than others. Blogging, for instance, has taken a nose dive, as has my schoolwork (don’t tell my mother, who after I told her I had been playing tennis with the boy called me back a few minutes later to say she hoped I wasn’t skipping class. eek.).

Things I am loving, though? Well, so much, but I won’t make you suffer through that. I will say, though, that I received my Very First Flowers EVER Not From My Mother. Tada:

THAT was unexpected and awesome.

Fred & Ethel are the hardest thing to deal with. Fred wakes me up every morning at 5:30 a.m. to get fed. And by “wakes up” I mean scratches at the toes of whomever happens to be in the bed and just generally making a nuisance of himself. He’s also a bit of a Paris Hilton and has not enjoyed sharing the hottness spotlight with someone new.

Anyway, I’ve been shutting F&E out of the bedroom most evenings, which they reacted to by scratching a tunnel to China under the bedroom door. I tried to tape some tinfoil down to prevent the scratching (foolish human), and this is the result:


I know it will just take time and the loss of my security deposit, but if you have any suggestions on how to hasten F&E’s adjustment, I am all ears.

As for my own pace of adjustment, I like it just the way it is. Because how fun is it to have something nice to adjust to for once?

Jimmy Buffet Is My Hero

September 14, 2006

First things first:

  • Accidentally FORGOT TO PAY MY TAB at The Bowery last night: Check.
  • Woken up slightly hungover by cable man: Check.
  • Return of the Internet: Check.
  • Feeling of exuberance so strong my hangover temporarily lifted until I did a little dance that scared Ethel and made her knock a glass of water off the table and I had to sop up the water: Check.
  • Skulked into The Bowery late afternoon to pay the bill. Tipped big, felt small: Check.

As to the boy, all I can tell you is he likes pina coladas, getting caught in the rain, he’s not into yoga, and he has half a brain.

And ha! Now you, like Jeff, Jen and Penny from the weekend they were visiting, have that song in your head. You’ll be making love at midnight in the dunes of the cape for the rest of the day.

At least I hope you will because damn, doesn’t that sound fun?


September 11, 2006

The cats ate my homework?

Actually, it’s just that I recently acquired:

1. A new ISP, who, FOR THE LOVE ALREADY, has still not activated my account. Next time I call them I am bringing out the big guns: tears.

2. A new boy. So far, he has not made me cry.