How Is a Whole Lotta Nothing SO TIRING?

First, some bidness: This is your last chance to e-mail me with your request for a winter mix CD — sending them out tomorrow! Don’t be shy, it’s (include your mailing address)!


In high school, my friend Tina’s senior quote was, “If the sun is a ball of energy, how come it makes me so tired?”

I feel the same way about the post-finals period. I haven’t done a whole lot, but even a trip to 7-11 to buy beer seems like climbing Mt. Everest. With a sweet, sweet bubbly reward at the end.

OK, I have done some stuff. For instance, I made my first Hannukah feast (The Boy is Jewish)! I made (with help):

Chicken with Caremlized Onions (OMG, SO. GOOD.), Sage and Olives

Long-Cooked Green Beans

The Ultimate Potato Latkes

And here I am making it:

Arty photos courtesy The Boy.

Also, I have been working MY FINGERS TO THE BONE making those damn mix CDs. Painstakingly poring over tracks, HOUR after HOUR. OK, not really. But I was trained in martyrdom by the best — my gramma. I have told the story of her afghan-crocheting/Joan of Arc-icity before.

In any case, your CDs have not been nearly as painful as crocheting an entire afghan. Also, I have had the chance to meander down my muscial memory lane, as stored in iTunes.

Three of my favorites (NONE OF WHICH made it into the CD, you can thank me now. Or not, if your bag is Rick Dees’ top 10 pop songs from ’90-’92):

• “One More Try”, Timmy T
• “More Than Words,” Extreme
• “Save the Best for Last,” Vanessa Williams

Also, this reminds me that I did not share any of my embarassing tearjerkers in my last post. I was so awed by Carolyn owning up to Sommersby and -R- owning up to Rudy (both of which I cried during, btw) that I had to admit a few that didn’t make the cut last time.

Everybody’s Baby: The Rescue of Jessica McClure, which I’m embarrassed to admit how many times my family watched on VHS (approx. 87)
Home Alone.
Christmas Vacation, when Clark gets the lights to finally work.
Where the Heart Is, which is one big ad for Wal-Mart, but I CANNOT HELP MYSELF.

6 Responses to “How Is a Whole Lotta Nothing SO TIRING?”

  1. carolyn Says:

    dude. that food looks so amazingly yummalicious, i am definitely making that chicken someday soon. and of course i am honored to have awed you. just like george bush, i am always aiming for shock & awe and thankfully that is the only thing on this earth that we have in common. i will try to think of some more tearjerkers for you, although i have now realized that most of the movies i watch over and over (and over) do not contain tearjerking because my weak heart can’t handle it and that is why i can barely handle rewatching the movies that make me cry that hard even though i lovelovelovelove them. (i love you sommersby, i do.)

  2. carolyn again! 5 seconds later! Says:

    oh i know! i thought of one already! that brad pitt movie where he and aidan quinn are brothers and anthony hopkins plays their dad and they live out west but the brothers end up going to war and brad pitt’s name is tristan and the youngest brother is samuel and he dies in the war and brad pitt goes all crazy indian on the germans’ asses… what is that called?


    oh i’m almost crying just thinking about it!

  3. -R- Says:

    Is Jessica McClure the little girl who fell down the well? It cracks me up that (1) there is a movie about that and (2) you watched it 87 times with your whole family. Awesome.

    That food looks sooo good, by the way. And you look very nice too!

  4. Librarian Girl Says:

    Damn, I missed the CD ordering! Story of my life.

    Ok, if you must know, the Thorn Birds made me cry. Father Ralph! Meggie! Their love was DOOMED.

  5. carrie Says:

    Is where the heart is the one where the girl lives in Wal-Mart until she has the baby? I loved that one.

  6. Gloria Says:

    Dammit, I want latkes. Potatoes fried in oil? YUM.

    I want a CD dammit!

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