I Think I’m Turning Japanese, I Really Think So*

Photo credit to Chotda, courtesy of Creative Commons

Oh, web Sudoku
I can’t even pronounce you
Yet I can’t quit you

For reals, yo. Perhaps it’s because my alternative is to study for the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam, which is so interminably boring I’d be willing to watch Married with Children or pick nits out of the hair of any lice-infested second-graders you’d like to send my way.

Any other procrastination suggestions? I go to bed and all I see are floating grids of numbers accompanied by the taunt, “Bottom 34%. 76% of people are faster than you.”

*OK, so Sudoku isn’t even Japanese. Actually, this makes the three hours I spent playing it today — NOT playing an an ancient Asian art form but instead “NumberPlace,” invented by Howard Garns — even more depressing.

10 Responses to “I Think I’m Turning Japanese, I Really Think So*”

  1. Samantha Says:

    My math skillz are nonexistant so I do crossword and cheat shamelessly once I’ve filled in all I can do on my own.

    Hey, check out my “cat and bubbles” pics!

  2. Dagny Says:

    You could finish writing my report cards for me.

  3. Kaitie Tee Says:

    Ahh the MPRE – the bane of my 2006 Summer. Perhaps you’d rather scrub the tiles in your bathroom with a toothbrush.

  4. Monique Says:

    You could grade the pile of chemistry tests in front of me.

  5. Zelda Says:

    Actually, if you’re in the bottom 34%, then only 66% (not 76) are better than you 🙂

    You’re better than you thought!

  6. Penny Says:

    i like how the exam you should be studying for has the word responsibility in it and you’re playing sudoku instead 🙂 i think that procrastination is an art form that are family has mastered way too well

  7. Librarian Girl Says:

    Best procratination tool ever (besides blog reading, of course)…kaboodle.com. It’s hours of entertainment.

  8. Penny Says:

    i just realized i put the wrong our…wow

  9. carrie Says:

    Don’t feel bad about Sudoko time. Our Brain Age game uses Sudoko for brain exercise. If you play it in the morning, apparently it makes your brain work better all day =)

  10. jen Says:

    Samantha — apparently my math skillz are also non-existent, see Zelda’s comment, oops!

    Dagny, Monique, you are so sweet to offer, really! Hehe.

    Katie– I waited until after the test was over to scrub, but it was a very satisfying cleansing of MPRE anxiety, definitely.

    LG, kaboodle is DANGEROUS. I spent 30 minutes on it before I even realized what had happened!

    Penny — Haha, Mom would chastise you for that for days.

    Carrie — ooh, excellent. I love rationalizations for my procrastinations, rockin!

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