My Lovely Lady Lumps

This title has absolutely nothing to do with this entry — because my life is so incredibly boring right now that the only other title I could come up with was “Meh!” The exclamation point represents the false enthusiasm I occasionally try to conjure up when talking to friends and family. Can’t have them thinking I’m having second thoughts about going to law school THREE WEEKS from graduating! That would be INSANE, right? Oops!


OK, I am not really having second thoughts. I just really don’t want to write two more papers and take my Evidence exam.

Anyway, here are the only remotely interesting things that have happened to me since I last posted:

1. I went to dinner at Le Petit Bistro, moules frites are awesome. Also, I have decided I am done with ketchup. Fini! Mayonnaise seulement, s’il-vous-plait!

2. I snagged a graduation dress for $35. Someone returned a Proenza Schouler dress in my size to my local Target, I couldn’t believe it. This makes up for the ridiculously expensive jeans I just purchased. Which means, yes! My will to shop has returned.

3. Had a nice brunch with Ursula, who has apparently foresaken blogging, and her husband Mike and The Boy. For some reason our conversation kept coming back to television we subject our men to. Ursula’s vice: too much entertainment television. Mine: House Hunters and Restaurant Makeover. Also, can I tell you how completely depressing it is to watch people buying first homes for under $500,000? I love California, but DAMN, is it expensive.

4. OK, The Boy demands I mention our purchase of the Greatest Shopping Bags Ever. He feels a deep connection with the universe, apparently, in having these insanely popular amongst all peoples of the world bags. I am down with this — apparently, we all need to feel connected to the world or else gunning 33 people down won’t seem impossible.

5. I’ve decided on a location for my bar trip — which, if you, you lucky bastard, are not a law student and don’t know any (we’re kind of jerks), is the trip we law students take between taking the bar and starting our jobs. South America, specifically Brazil, Argentina and Uraguay. If you’ve got any suggestions as to specific places to go, lemme know!

That’s all, it’s boring, but you love my lady lumps anyway, right? Cuz if not, what else, what else I’m gon’ do with all this junk? All that junk inside this trunk?

11 Responses to “My Lovely Lady Lumps”

  1. Kaitie Tee Says:

    Regret law school three weeks from graduation? Who would do such a thing? I know I wouldn’t. Nope. Can’t wait to write two papers and take an admin exam.

  2. laurie Says:

    Uraguay? I thought Uragirl?

  3. SusannahS Says:

    Hi–I followed the link to your friend Ursula’s blog, and then I followed the link to the Amazon page about the book…can you reveal her pen name? (“Cause if she’s Jacey Ford/Bevarly Brandt, I really loved “The Tiara Club”, or if she’s MaryJanice Davidson,I really, really love the Becky books)…unfortunately I don’t recognize the other two names.

  4. Dagny Says:

    Chile? Peru? I know folks from those places and they keep telling me to check them out. For now, I will have to live vicariously through you on experiencing South America.

  5. laurie Says:

    Oh yeah, definitely Chile. I love chile with cheese and fritos. Chile is so good.

  6. DDJ Says:

    Law school trip sounds like fun. The downside of not having to take the bar in WI is that most employers want you to start in June. I finagled myself a summer vacation, though. There was just no one with whom I could take it. Yeah, I know…poor me. Congrats on your impending graduation!

  7. heather Says:

    Law school trip sounds fun-do it! I, on the other hand, wisely had my third child midway through my second year of lawschool! I was still breastfeeding when I graduated. My law school trip time was spent working. Enjoy that time off girl, work will wait on ya.

  8. Ursula Says:

    Jen, people are clicking through to my blog and actually reading it! And taking me seriously. It’s almost enough to get me writing again. Do you think they’ll care when they realize I’m making everything up?

    It was great to see you, and big ups to The Boy for coming out with his cough. I hope he’s fully recovered and planning your luxurious stay in Iquacu Falls!

  9. Penny Says:

    have you seen alanis morissette’s version of that song? youtube it…it is quite entertaining

  10. Librarian Girl Says:

    You broke up with ketchup? Really?

  11. carma Says:

    Ha! Man you are lucky… I treated my ex to his law school trip… We went camping throughout the Midwest & went to minor league baseball games.

    Good thing no one suggested Brazil at the time. 😉

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