Apparently I’m Going for More of a Matte Look

Well, all my shiny-ness lasted for approximately 1 day, woohoo!

I am not going to bore you with the details of The Matte Period of my life in in the interim.

BUT I went to dinner tonight with a friend for the first time in oh, FOREVER, it seems.

And — shocker — I’ve got plans this weekend. Who knew?

The guy (friend) I went out with tonight also went through an enormous breakup a while ago, and he was telling me that one of the best things that he learned from it was that people DO NOT CALL YOU, you have to call them, and that is A-OK! It is GOOD to reach out, it’s alright to email, you are not bothering people, they are wrapped up in their own lives but are happy to hear from you and will make room for you where they can.

So true.

And! Speaking of surprises and prophetic, awe-inspiring insights, can I tell you that I have hit upon one of the great catch-22s of mankind?

No, really, I have.

This week I tried to, in addition to, via scones, depriving Starbucks of $1.75 or whatever in breakfast food revenue a day, hit its uber-chain bottom line hard by making my own coffee. And apparently? Um, you have to have already have HAD your coffee in order to remember to BRING the coffee that you have spent 10 precious minutes making — that you could have been SLEEPING through, fyi — with you to work?

Ah, the irony. I’ve got one hand in my pocket and the other one is drearily shelling out $1.60 for my small coffee in medium cup, please (I use a LOT of cream).*

But, people! Go forth and scone yourselves! By people I mean cowpuppetsofdoom and margaritavillain (nice names, man, i am so creative with the “jen” i use everywhere). All it takes is a scone mix from Whole Foods (my favorite, actually ended up hating the scones I made with my Ralph’s currant scones mix), some whole milk, some eggs and if you are super ambitious a scone pan and some fennel seeds on top (my favorite), and you are in scone heaven.

Anyhoo, that’s as much as I can manage, my shiny-ness being on hiatus and all. I hope it’s enjoying itself, the missing shiny-ness. I hope it’s just on a quick vacay to the BVI but is back on Friday with a tan and perhaps a yacht owner it’s tired of and is ready to swing my way. But I’d be happy if it just had a slight sun-kissed glow, is well-rested, and is ready to shine up my life again. Too much matte isn’t good for the pores, you know.

* Yes, I realize I have adopted Alanis’ horrible definition of irony, but this is what happens to you when you are too lazy to think on your own.

8 Responses to “Apparently I’m Going for More of a Matte Look”

  1. Tracy Says:

    Virtual hugs from total strangers! Keep an eye out for the sudden happy moments, they sneak up on you. I’m always like “What are you doing here? Didn’t you get the memo?” 😉 Do something silly, just for you. Now I have to go make my own coffee to take to work…

  2. Dagny Says:

    I should have warned you about forgetting the cup of caffeine to go. Nowadays I get up early enough to grab a cup before leaving home — so that I’m alert enough to remember the travel mug. In fact, I’m having my first cup right now.

  3. Christine Says:

    I just skip coffee on the ride to work and brew up a batch when I get there (or steal from others ambitious pots).

    And, man shiny or matte I still think I want to come over for some scones.

  4. Cowpuppetsofdoom Says:

    Thanks for the scone recipe. Boys suck. You loved, you lost, you’re still trucking on (at least you haven’t loved, lost, toilet papered his car and erased all his voice mails from other girls as perhaps *ahem* someone writing this may have done at some point in her life and lived to regret it) Truck on! (I really wanted to write “Carry on”, but then everyone would have that Queen song stuck in their head. Wait, is it there now? Carry on, carry on as if nothing really matters…)
    A second hug from a virtual stranger, love your blog.

  5. carolyn Says:

    dang girl! every time i have thought about calling, it’s way too early to call california. but you know you can call me if you’re up! 😉

    the shininess will only be intermittent for awhile, but you’ll find your way back. definitely here to help whenever/wherever you need me.

  6. thebrownsheep Says:

    i’ve totally had that “i need coffee before i can make coffee” moment before–on multiple occasions. it’s so unfair.

    have you tried the sticky fingers scone mixes from world market (i think there’s one in the grove)? all you have to do is add water and toss with a fork.

    sorry about the breakup 😦 hope things look up soon.

  7. Anne Says:

    Shininess is overrated. Shiny is the girl in the Orbit gum commercial. (Unless you mean Kaylee-from-Firefly shiny, which would be OK.)

    Coffee may be one of those things like breathing and showers that you just need to do as it works for you.

  8. Librarian Girl Says:

    Two Alanis references in one post! I am impressed.

    Reaching out is key. I learned that one too.

    And Whole Foods scone mix rocks the hizzy.

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