There Is a Disturbance in the Force, OR Happy Thanksgiving!

DUDE. Something is wrong here.

I told you I was planning to move. What I didn’t tell you (because I didn’t want to jinx it, knock on wood, throw some salt over my shoulder) is that I actually found a new apartment on Saturday morning. THE VERY FIRST ONE I SAW. WHICH I PAID A DEPOSIT ON TODAY AND WILL MOVE INTO IN LESS THAN TWO WEEKS.

I’m sorry for the abundance of all caps, but MAN, I have mentioned my loathing for finding a new apartment before, almost a year ago. Literally? When I looked for this crappy apartment? I saw at least 25 apartments in two weeks WHILE HOLDING DOWN AN 8-6 JOB before I realized I’d never find anything better.

This time? Before I went? I told myself (I engage in a lot of talking-tos with myself, I’m completely sane and awesome that way): “Jen, you have all the time in the world, you will go see this ONE (NOT TWELVE) apartment because it is the only one that looks exactly like what you want, and, if it doesn’t work out? You will wait until next weekend and then you can see ONE OTHER (NOT TWELVE) apartment that looks exactly like what you want.” And you know what?

Oddly enough, this one fulfills every requirement I had back in January, two stories for my fat cats, hardwood floors, functioning dishwasher, direct sunlight, and you know what else? Washer-dryer, a FIREPLACE, an unobstructed view of the Hollywood sign and the Griffith Park Observatory — and it’s in walking distance of a Trader Joe’s, my favorite wine shop, and has TWO (!) PARKING SPACES. And NO HOMELESS PEOPLE (love you homeless people, just don’t love your piss in my staircase at 7:00 a.m.).

And sure, it has the tiniest oven I have ever seen and there is glass block on the staircase, but you know what? I know can throw a stove-top-created dinner party, and the 80s are long enough ago I can ironically tip my hat to their architecture, right? AND I WILL NEVER FIND ANYTHING BETTER, even if I saw 25 other apartments.

So anyway, I can’t believe what effect even FAKING a totally zen attitude has had on my luck!

Or really, I can’t believe how easy it is to behave like a sane person.

So here I am, realizing being a sane person rocks. And so tonight, even though I really wanted to procrastinate and watch DVR’d episodes of goodness-knows-what and wake up at 5 a.m. to pack for Thanksgiving and probably arrive at my brother and his wife’s house empty-handed and sans toothpaste, instead I actually made some pecan brittle for my family:

And now I’m off to pack.

Like a sane person. Totally zen. Disturbing The Force.

Happy Thanksgiving!

p.s. Thanks for all your congratulations! You make me so happy! After Thanksgiving I will spread the love to your lovely blogs!

p.p.s. Normally I do not mind when people on TV get older, that happens and whatnot, but does anyone else find the fact that the Verizon Wireless network guy (“Can you hear me now?”) is aging SCARY? He is not OLD or anything, but for some reason I find this even more disturbing than the fact that I can no longer tolerate “The Real World.” Perhaps he is our Maytag repair man?

14 Responses to “There Is a Disturbance in the Force, OR Happy Thanksgiving!”

  1. Dagny Says:

    More congrats in order!

  2. Dagny Says:

    Oh, and are you going to be up north for just the day or the weekend? If the latter, drop me a line. (I tried to email you but it was bounced back.) I feel the need for a fancy cocktail.

  3. Jeanne B. Says:

    You weren’t faking a zen attitude, you were engaging in the Law of Attraction. And it worked! Congratulations on your fantastic new home! Just keep thinking “zen/positive”. Happy T-day!

  4. carolyn Says:

    a) YAY YOU!!! and
    b) I am so totally coming to visit.

  5. Ursula Says:

    Congrats again, again! Where’s the pecan brittle recipe? Or is it too depressing to put into print?

  6. Daphne Says:

    Being a lawyer must make you smarter. Congratulations on the bar and the new place… and the brittle. YUM.

  7. Librarian Girl Says:

    Wait a minute. People are allowed to find decent places to live without having to see a bazillion non-decent places first? WHAT??

    Congratulations, again! You’ve been lawyered, and now you’ve been apartmented!

  8. Anne Says:

    Countertop convection ovens rock, I hear. (And anyway, I’ll bet you use the washer/dryer a lot more often than the oven anyway.)

    Congratulations! I’m so happy these things have worked out for you. Happy Tday to you and your fat cats from fat me and my cats. (Wait…)

  9. Brat Says:

    I want that brittle recipe too!


    Congrats on the new digs!

  10. Mira Says:

    Wow congrats on your new home!!! I just found a room to rent for myself too. But the hassle to get a perfect one..essshh

    The pecan brittle looks so yummy!

  11. Julie Says:

    your place sounds toight! post pics soon!

  12. the boogeyman's wife Says:

    congrats! sounds like an awesome apartment. sometimes things come together perfectly like that and i figure it’s meant to be. way to disturb the force!

  13. the boogeyman's wife Says:

    congrats! sounds like an awesome apartment. sometimes things come together perfectly like that and i figure it’s meant to be. way to disturb the force!

  14. the boogeyman's wife Says:

    congrats! sounds like an awesome apartment. sometimes things come together perfectly like that and i figure it’s meant to be. way to disturb the force!

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