Archive for February, 2008

I Take It All Back

February 24, 2008

Well, no sooner did I declare my intention to Live Healthily and Coat My Underarms in Nature’s Sweetness Only than I spent the next three days eating dinners consisting of either Cheez-Its and Froot Loops or Trader Joe’s buffalo wings. You, like most everyone I know, may already have been suspicious of any grand pronouncements I make, but if you weren’t: SUCKAH!

Back on the wagon as of tomorrow, however, EXCEPT FOR THE DEODORANT.

It’s all well and good for work, I guess, but if you’ll remember, my need for aluminum-free pits came second to my desire to instigate a torrid affair, and I have discovered that the two Do Not Mix.

Imagine my horror, engaging in some perfectly innocent kissing this evening when a whiff of, oh, hang on a sec, what is that, OMG, it’s MY OWN BODY ODOR, hit me. Jeebus.

Hello, my sweet little Dove. I love you, I want you back, please forgive me. Real Beauty may come in many colors and sizes, but I’m pretty sure it doesn’t come in Stank.

Also, have you seen that horrible Billy Crystal vehicle, Forget Paris? One of the few incredibly funny moments in that scene is when poor Ellen (Debra Winger) is driving Mickey (BC)’s geezery dad around town and he’s droning out very single road sign he sees, Wannamaker’s Tires, Benny’s Donuts, etc., not realizing he’s doing it and driving Ellen to hari kari.

Um, I have a similar tendency. Sometimes I’ll have a thought in my head and say it out loud and not realize I did it, and then, two minutes later, I’ll realize, oh hey, I wanted to say that thought out loud and then I’ll do so — and the person I’m with will look at me like I’m totally insane, like, yeah, you said that two minutes ago.

And it’s like a reflex! I cannot be stopped. If you drive me past a landmark that has a particular association with me, I will tell you about it. Even if I have told you 12 times before, one of which was two minutes ago when I first had the thought and said it out loud without realizing.

In Argentina, with The Boy, he once idly mentioned that he could get a haircut while we were there, and once he did, damn it if every time we saw a salon I didn’t say, “oh, you could get your haircut” — even after he told me, more than a little pointedly, that he had decided he didn’t want one. My little mind just couldn’t be rerouted: hair salon = hair cut for The Boy –> “oh, you could get your haircut.” It was horrible. Finally he told me I was giving him a complex and I was able to move on. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?

I bring this up because in addition to smelling to high heaven this evening, I believe I also told my date twice: “this is the same street where I bought my flamenco shoes.” I thought it once, then unconsciously said it out loud because I have no filter, and then thought to myself, gee, wouldn’t he like to know this is where I bought my flamenco shoes, EVEN THOUGH I DON’T FLAMENCO, and told him again.


If I am date-free again in two weeks, you’ll know the cause: because I’m really an eighty-year-old man with a slight case of dementia and a severe case of B.O.

In & Out

February 19, 2008

First, I have to say that I love the movie In & Out, because I love Kevin Kline, primarily because of Soap Dish and The Big Chill, but also because he is still married to Phoebe Cates, one of the most beautiful doe-eyed women in the world, and if they ever get divorced I will be a little depressed.

I also love In-n-Out Burger, but not their very real but very soggy fries. Burger King, you will always have my road-trip heart.

Anyway, here is the out(side) of the precious journal that Neeta got me for my birthday to keep track of all my potential blog entries/thoughts:

And here’s what I have so far on the in(side):

I am still working on (1), but I am loving (2). I never thought that I could wear just deoderant, not antiperspirant, Tom’s of Maine no less, my nemesis during my post-UCSC anti-hippy days, but it’s working out fine. Who knew?

Which brings me to the real point of this, my in/out thoughts.

For some reason, at 30, it never really hit me, the desire to better the state of my health. I figured as long as my clothes still fit and my crow’s feet hadn’t taken over my face, who cared? I was only focused on the Out.

At 31, however, for some reason things changed. I’m not sure what, but one morning I woke up and decided I could no longer subsist on Cheez-Its, Lean Cuisine pizzas and peanut M&Ms. Oh, and my mainstay, sweet, sweet Coca-Cola. Oh sure, I’ve gone through phases before where I tried to eat some fruit, but they always lasted about 2 days and were prompted by the desire to please my friends and family.

Now, for some reason, it’s me who actually like, CARES, what I ingest! It’s so weird, and so fun I really can’t believe it. I’ve been eating these weird things called leafy greens, and buying organic, eating OATS for goodness sake, and now I’m wearing some freaking aluminum-free Tom’s of Maine. OK, yesterday I ate a mini-box of Froot Loops for desert, but in general, I would say I’m finally starting to care what I put in my body. At 31. Hope it’s not too late.

In & Out

February 19, 2008

First, I have to say that I love the movie In & Out, because I love Kevin Kline, primarily because of Soap Dish and The Big Chill, but also because he is still married to Phoebe Cates, one of the most beautiful doe-eyed women in the world, and if they ever get divorced I will be a little depressed.

I also love In-n-Out Burger, but not their very real but very soggy fries. Burger King, you will always have my road-trip heart.

Anyway, here is the out(side) of the precious journal that Neeta got me for my birthday to keep track of all my potential blog entries/thoughts:

And here’s what I have so far on the in(side):

I am still working on (1), but I am loving (2). I never thought that I could wear just deoderant, not antiperspirant, Tom’s of Maine no less, my nemesis during my post-UCSC anti-hippy days, but it’s working out fine. Who knew?

Which brings me to the real point of this, my in/out thoughts.

For some reason, at 30, it never really hit me, the desire to better the state of my health. I figured as long as my clothes still fit and my crow’s feet hadn’t taken over my face, who cared? I was only focused on the Out.

At 31, however, for some reason things changed. I’m not sure what, but one morning I woke up and decided I could no longer subsist on Cheez-Its, Lean Cuisine pizzas and peanut M&Ms. Oh, and my mainstay, sweet, sweet Coca-Cola. Oh sure, I’ve gone through phases before where I tried to eat some fruit, but they always lasted about 2 days and were prompted by the desire to please my friends and family.

Now, for some reason, it’s me who actually like, CARES, what I ingest! It’s so weird, and so fun I really can’t believe it. I’ve been eating these weird things called leafy greens, and buying organic, eating OATS for goodness sake, and now I’m wearing some freaking aluminum-free Tom’s of Maine. OK, yesterday I ate a mini-box of Froot Loops for desert, but in general, I would say I’m finally starting to care what I put in my body. At 31. Hope it’s not too late.

My Hands Would Like to Make Sweet, Sweet, But Ultimately Unfulfilling Love to You

February 11, 2008

It’s generally par for the course when the gym smells like cologne, especially in the weights area. So much testosterone and low self-esteem to mask.

But PEOPLE! People of 24 Hour Fitness!


Seriously, I can’t smell my hands without suddenly feeling the intense urge to take myself out to dinner at Buca di Beppo and finish the night off with some Sambuca and a meaningless tryst under a scratchy, pilled-up comforter my mom bought me in 1992 and I haven’t washed since 2006.

I have just confused myself with pronouns.

Do you think it’s too weird to bring your own handsoap to the gym?

Because really? It’s not healthy to spend your drive home debating what music the man who wears the same scent gracing your hands listens to when making love to a woman.

Oh, smell-o-net, where are you? I wish you could answer this for me.

In lieu of technological advances, however, I am going to give you my top 5 choices for what this man might listen to.

1. Creed
2. Gin Blossoms
3. Live
4. The Pretty in Pink soundtrack (ladies love that sh*t, yo!)
5. Post-1995 Red Hot Chili Peppers

And, as a bonus, I give you a top 5 list of the whoppers I have been treated to over the years. You know, if I had ever passed the state of driven snow.

1. Pink Floyd (duh, college boys are SO DEEP)
2. Congolese music
3. Massive Attack (duh, post-college boys are SO DEEP)
4. ENYA. Yes. I repeat: ENYA (WTHF????).
5. Not music, but such great comedy hits as “Stripes,” “Spies Like Us,” and my personal favorite, the way to every woman’s heart, Eddie Murphy’s “Raw.”