Archive for October, 2008

Apparently, I am a “Runner” Now.

October 20, 2008

Camp Pendelton 2008 10K Mud Run, me (in blue) after the last mud pit. THAT I HAD TO CRAWL THROUGH UNDERNEATH LOW-HANGING FLAGS. (p.s. Marines, I saw you slapping many a lady’s heinie as we hauled ourselves out of the trenches, why not mine? I would have feigned offense but now I am actually offended. Is my bottom so unslappable?).

Ready for a shower.

Me, crossing the finish line with my coworkers (why does it look like I am 3 mos. preggers?)!

(Al)Ready for a beer

I think until I did this run (I know, not that long, only 6.2 miles), I had never thought of myself as a runner. I mean, I JOG, a lot, usually three times a week or so, but mainly as a booty-size control mechanism and I (thought) I was never any good at it. I figured I was the same as in high school track, where I was usually just grateful not to be last.

Which is why, 30 minutes before the Mud Run started, I was seriously considering faking food poisoning.

But I did it! I ran up 2 miles of hill, I slogged through INCREDIBLY STINKY mud pits, I scaled a 5′ wall (at only 5’2″ myself), and our team hit 9th in our division. We weren’t last, not even close.


My biggest fear in this all was letting my teammates down, being the one who held them up at the finish line, but I didn’t.

Apparently, I don’t suck. I can run! I can really run!

My Mind Has Officially Imploded.

October 1, 2008

Martha Stewart and Ludacris.

Although, what “official” do you think stamps the approval on your mind-implosion certificate? Perhaps the Treasury Department! That could be one of their new duties, along with purchasing distressed MBSs! Dude, I would totally support that.