Archive for July, 2009

This Is Just To Say

July 6, 2009

1. I’m still alive.

2. Also, I have eaten the plums that were in the ice box. Just kidding. Maybe. But if I did, they were delicious, so sweet, and so cold.

3. I still find time on a Sunday night to catch up with Tori & Dean. I cannot believe I watch this show, I know it’s incredibly contrived, but when Tori talks about the poop baby she’s giving birth to, it makes it all real and I can’t stop watching.

4. Spend enough time around an 8-year-old, and you will realize they are little soothsayers:

a. “You are a girly-girl.” I have stayed in a treehouse for vacation. I brought a boyfriend nearly to tears with my calm reaction to a cockroach intermittently inhabiting my flip-flop during a 24-hour bus ride across Argentina (p.s., if the strongest reaction you ever elicit from a man is due to your ability to withstand an infiltration of insect life, and you read Elle even just at the checkout counter, it probably won’t work out). I have nearly drowned in a river wearing some other woman’s tevas. But it is true.

b. “You like hanging out with us more than the grown-ups.” I am not a mixer. I have my moments, but if my choice is between reading two little girls a Junie B. Jones and trying to make my way comfortably through the morass of adult conversation, apparently I’ll generally choose the latter.

c. “Why do you like to clean so much?” You know, I don’t know. It makes me feel like I’m contributing when a meal is cooked for me. I like things clean. I like the satisfaction of sore joints and a clean floor. It gives me a sense of control in a world full of chaos.

And, with a Clueless reference, as usual, I’ll wrap this up.

Hope you had a great 4th! Hope you had time off and spent it with people you love. Even if they tell you the truth.