Archive for May, 2012

I’ve Moved!

May 15, 2012

I finally figured out how to switch over my blog to a new host and get it up and running, so please head over to

Why It Took Me Two Months To Make One Wine Cork Trivet

May 5, 2012

Wine cork trivet!

So, a few months ago my wine cork supply finally started to overflow its keeper, and I set off in search of what the heck to finally do with them. And lo, there did I find that there are an INFINITE NUMBER OF PROJECTS YOU CAN MAKE WITH WINE CORKS. Seriously. Here is a website that lists 25! And it’s just one of the 361,000(!) Google hits that comes back when you search for “what to do with wine corks.”

I tried pinning a few options that I liked best. Then I took a nap.

Then, finally, a few weeks ago I felt up to trying again after I found these great leather and wood trivets on DesignSponge — figured I would make the same thing, but with wine corks.

Turns out, however, that wine corks do not look that exciting when painted, and you miss all the best parts of the wine corks — the design!

So instead, I crayoned my wine corks, screwdrivered holes through the middles, and then ran a leather cord through the middle, and split the cord and the end so I could tie them off. A little hot glue in between my rows of corks and I was done!

Of course, I forgot to take any pictures of the process. Gah.

BUT, since this one turned out OK I am going to make one for my mom for Mother’s Day, and will make a how-to then.

Luckily, since the internets CANNOT GET ENOUGH of wine corks, I know another post about them will be welcome.